Welcome to CRARJO !
The Child Rights and Restorative Justice Organization (CRARJO) was formally established and registered as an NGO in Trinidad and Tobago on July 10, 2019.
WHAT WE DO: Our Activities
CRARJO’s activities are geared toward raising awareness of the principles and provisions of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (UN CRC), promoting and protecting child rights, strengthening families and facilitating education and training and advocating for facilitating the implementation of restorative practices.
The International Society of Family Law (ISFL) is an independent, international, scholarly association dedicated to the study, research and discussion of family law and related disciplines. Numbered among our membership are professors, jurists, legal practitioners and researchers from over fifty (50) countries. Our premier event is the world conference which is held every three years. The last conference was held in Belgium in 2023. Previous conferences took place in other parts of Europe, Brazil, U.S. A., Canada, the United Kingdom, Japan, Australia and South Africa.
In between world conferences, the ISFL holds regional conferences. This ISFL Caribbean Regional Conference is the fourth conference I have organized in the Caribbean region. The first two were held at Hilton Hotel in The Bahamas in 2011 and 2014 and the third, in Tobago, in December 2022. These were held under the aegis of the Council of Legal Education Eugene Dupuch Law School, Bahamas Bar Association and the Child Rights and Restorative Justice Organisation (CRARJO) respectively. This ISFL 4th Caribbean Regional Conference is also being organized by CRARJO.
The ISFL premier publication is the annual International Survey of Family Law which is an annual review of developments in family law across the world. This is made available to all members free of charge.

At Council meeting in Buenos Aires, Argentina, April 12, 2024, after our Regional Conference.
Seventh from the right is the Convener of the ISFL 4th Caribbean Regional Conference, Senator Hazel Thompson-Ahye, H.B.M. Fifth from the right is ISFL President, Professor Frederik Swennen of Belgium, who hosted the ISFL World Conference at the University of Antwerp in July, 2023.

The Convention on the Rights of the Child at 35 years: The Promise Kept or A Dream Deferred?
Our Services
We are delivering lectures, conducting classes, and organizing workshops, seminars, and conferences on the Convention on the Rights of the Child for children and adults.
Devising programs to raise awareness of child rights and restorative practices and to support families in their efforts to adopt positive disciplinary practices.
Researching child rights issues.
Projects /Activities of CRARJO
Since CRARJO’s incorporation, CRAJO has been involved in the following activities:
1. Presentation by the Chairman to the Tobago House of Assembly’s (T.H.A.) Division of Health, Wellness and Family Development, Alcohol and Drug Abuse Prevention Programme – Substance Abuse Symposium on September 5, 2019 on: Perpetrator Rehabilitation: Making a Case for Restorative and Rehabilitative Work For Drug Traffickers.
2. Presentation by the Chairman to the Law Association of Trinidad and Tobago Continuing Legal Education Seminar on October 3, 2019 on Restorative Justice: A Paradigm Shift in Justice.